חוגגים 75 שנה ליחסים הדיפלומטיים בין צרפת וישראל

75 years of French-Israeli relations

18 בנובמבר 2024, 8:30 
אולם אפטר, בניין נפתלי After Hall, Naftali building 
חוגגים 75 שנה ליחסים הדיפלומטיים בין צרפת וישראל


Registration : 8:30 a.m - 9:00 a.m
Introduction : 9:00 a.m - 9:30 a.m
  • Mme Muriel Haïm, President of the France-Israel Foundation
  • H.E. Mr. Frédéric Journès, Ambassador of France to Israel TBC

Round table #1


9:30 a.m - 10:30 a.m | 75 years of Franco-Israeli relations | Moderator: David Harari
1. France's historical ties with the Holy Land
Daniel Saada :
From the 1536 Capitulations Agreement between the Ottoman Emperor Suleiman the Magnificent and the French King Francis I, and the capitulations between the sovereigns of the two states for the protection of pilgrims and holy sites in Palestine, to the creation of Israel.



2. The diplomatic dimension 
Éric Danon : 
French recognition of Israel; the golden age of Franco-Israeli relations (1948-1967); ambivalent relations (1967-2000); the current period, since 2000.



The spiritual dimension
Brother Louis-Marie Coudray :
French possessions in the Holy Land; fulfilling Abbot Paul du Bec-Hellouin's wish; Judeo-Christian relations


Coffee Break

10:30 a.m - 11:00 a.m

Round table #2

11:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m | Cooperative spaces | Moderator: François Heilbronn


1. Cultural, artistic and academic cooperation
Georges Diener :


  • Cultural agreements between France and Israel
  • Activities of the Institut Français in Israel

2. Scientific, economic and commercial relations between France and Israel

David Harari, Dov Zerah​ :

  • History of relations
  • The French-Israeli High Council for Science and Technology

Round table #3


12:00 p.m - 1:00 p.m | Political perspectives for the future | Moderator : Gerard Unger
1.Consequences of the Israel-Hamas war on the region's geopolitical balance.
Emmanuel Navon



2. Franco-Israeli relations in the face of geopolitical upheavals in the Middle East.
Eric Danon



Conclusion : 1:00 p.m - 1:30 p.m
Eric Danon and Muriel Haim


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